Monday, February 15, 2010

Calibre 39 Antologia de Narradores Colombianos

Calibre 39 Antologia de Narradores Colombianos

Calibre 39: Antologia de Narradores Colombianos

Calibre 39: Antologia de Narradores Colombianos...Coming together to represent the new literary voice of their country, 15 Colombian authors under the age of 39 contribute to this collection of short stories. Theirs is a unique commentary on Colombia as they describe their reality--the challenges and joys of their generation. Juntando a varias voces literarias del pais, 15 autores colombianos menores de 39 anos de edad contribuyen a esta coleccion de cuentos cortos. Su comentario es unico a sus paises y sus edades, describiendo las realidades y dificultades de ser un artista en esa generacion.... Click here or on the image for details

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